Център за еврейско-българско сътрудничество

Leading Israeli media promote authentic Bulgaria

Representatives of leading media in Israel took part in the promotion of Bulgaria as a tourist destination for Israeli citizens. The group of journalists, who arrived on the first flight of the renewed charters, toured remarkable places in Bulgaria to present them to their compatriots. The Honorary consul of Israel in Burgas Orlin Mandov has taken on the responsible role of a guide for the Burgas region. He has prepared the route of the informative journalistic tour with the idea to show places that are attractive and different at the same time from those present in the traditional guides. The village of Medovo fascinated the journalists with the demonstrations of the Bulgarian handicrafts, and Kosharitsa – with the secrets of the honey industry. Honey extraction is an attraction that is not often seen, and when you have the opportunity to participate in the process, honey is even tastier. In the Museum of Honey the most impressive are the glass hives, because you can see all the miracles of bees. “Israelis do not leave without buying honey. They know that our honey is the best in the world – pure, fragrant, there is an abundance of flowers and herbs for the bees from which to collect pollen, “said Orlin Mandov.

Along with the exotic of ancient Nessebar and its unique architecture, Israeli journalists have tried the pleasure of enjoying the fragrant breeze in outdoor restaurants. Certainly, eating outdoors is an advantage in a situation of increased anti-epidemic measures.

The nature of Erkech with its beautiful panorama and crystal clear air is among the landmarks that have particularly impressed Israeli media teams. They liked the tranquility and simplicity of life, the touch of the authenticity of Bulgarian life. But they were also fascinated by another type of romance – the fairytale. It was found during their visit to the castle “In love with the wind” near the village of Ravadinovo.

“Our aim is to extend the season because we have the conditions for that, both as a hotel base and as a climate and accents of things that are not found elsewhere. Besides the beach and aqua parks, we hope to attract more tourists from Israel with suggestions for other interesting experiences, “said Orlin Mandov.

The Israeli media are already announcing the materials they are preparing for their visit to Bulgaria. After the publication of the reportages we can be optimistic about increasing the interest in Bulgaria.

Currently, there are five flights a week from Israel to Burgas. After September 18, when the Jewish New Year is, more guests are expected from Israel on the Black Sea coast. Charters are set to Burgas until October 25.

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