Център за еврейско-българско сътрудничество

Bourgas poets honored the memory of the victims of Holocaust with poems

Center for Jewish-Bulgarian Cooperation “Alef” and “Bourgas Writer Community” organized Literary Reading 

In a non-traditional and emotional way in Burgas was marked the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. On January 28th at the Writers House, the Center for Jewish-Bulgarian Cooperation “Alef” and the Association of Burgas Writers paid tribute to those who were destroyed by Hitlero-fascism through the speech. Instead of wreaths and flowers, twelve poets of Burgas laid a bouquet of poems born of pain, compassion, and the pursuit of a different world in which cruelty and hatred were eradicated.

“Memory is the framework of human life”. It is our guarantee for the next day. For centuries, the mankind has perfected itself in destroying the other. And the Holocaust does not fit in the human mind. More than 9 million people have been killed, not only Jews, but many people who have opposed the system. We must give the memory of this to the people after us so that evil does not happen again.

On the day that the world marks the memory of those who died in the Nazi camps during the Second World War, Bulgaria adds worship to the worthy and bold citizens who saved the Bulgarian Jews from deportation.

We know that in this act, with its sense of justice, the Bulgarian writing community has been actively involved. That is why today we chose this unconventional way to honor the memory of those who died through the poetic speech. So once again, we will see that we must not destroy our neighbor, but give him/her a hand. Because we are the other, “said Alberta Alkalay, president of the Center “Alef”.

“Memory as a Salvation” was the motto of literary reading. Venda Raikova, Krana Angelova, Bina Kals, Mina Krasteva, Asen Yordanov, Jivka Ivanova, Dilyana Tineva, Lili Hristova, Zornitsa Petrova, Svetla Guntcheva, Katerina Stoykova – Klemer and Elka Vasileva presented their poetic messages about the common values.

Burgas poets are convinced that good is more permanent than evil, even though it still continues to make sacrifices today. Even in the darkness a light emerges. It comes with the young and the children. Their intolerance to the cruelty and insanity to kill was illustrated with the poem “Do not kill”, written by the 4-year-old daughter of the poetess Dilyana Tineva immediately after the attacks in Paris.

“I will never come back here again,” said in her poem “Buchenwald” the doyen of the Burgas poets Venda Raikova, summarizing the striving of the Burgas writer’s community into a world without hatred.

The documentary film “To Remember” was the continuation of the poetic evening, which tells the story of the Burgas Jews and their rescuers.

Venda Raykova


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